The idea that there needs to be regulation of the Internet is gaining steam, but attempting to control an emerging technology is not a
Dunklee gives a brief history of religion in the United States, from early settlers, the Revolution, the creation of the First Amendment, the Civil War and the attempt at the Blaine Amendment in 1879. This episode includes the Supreme Court Mormon Polygamy case in 1878
In the second episode, Dunklee speaks with guest Lyle Denniston, a journalist who has covered the Supreme Court for decades. The discussion covers the failure of the federal Blaine Amendment(1879), why the dislike of Catholics motivated it, the subsequent amendments to state constitutions and the impact of the Trinity Lutheran case in June 2017 on […]
Prof. Tisa Wenger-Yale Divinity School discusses discrimination against Native American religions and the process of adopting the First Amendment to their spiritual practices.
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